Managing your energy when working from home

| Culture & change | Leadership | Teams
managing your energy when working from home

Managing your energy when working from home is easier said then done. Unlike time, energy is not a constant. It ebbs and flows and changes constantly. And although we all have 24 hours in a day, our energy levels can vary, fluctuating up or down at different times throughout the day. 

With many of us still working from home, the distinction between ‘work’ and ‘home’ has become blurred which can sap your energy and drain motivation levels. 

So in order to manage your energy effectively it’s worth developing healthy habits when working from home to help you remain focused and motivated.

Establish the best time to manage your energy when working from home

Most people can’t maintain high energy levels for a full 8 hour day, so it’s important to work out when you have the most energy and schedule your work around those times.

Start by considering when you’re most productive – do you work better in the morning or in the afternoon? If you wake up feeling full of energy and creative ideas, it’s worth blocking out time in the morning to tackle things like strategy sessions, brainstorming and writing proposals.  Then when your energy wanes in the afternoon, you can work on lighter and more repetitive tasks that don’t require as much energy or concentration.

Manage your energy when working from home and set clear boundaries

No-one understands your energy limits better than you, so it’s important to set boundaries for yourself in order to protect your energy and keep your motivation levels high.

Start by setting boundaries that help you to stay on track and get the job done particularly at times when your energy levels are highest. This could include deciding how much you want to achieve in a day and creating dedicated time blocks. Doing this helps focus your attention on the task at hand while increasing your output so it’s important to avoid distractions such as switching between tasks or checking your emails during this time.

Manage your energy when working from home by including rest and recovery

One of the benefits of working from home is that you can control your schedule and establish a routine that works for you. This means scheduling the breaks you would normally take when working in an office such as lunch or coffee breaks as well as factoring in rest and recovery periods.

When our bodies cycle from a state of high energy to low energy every 90 – 120 minutes, we naturally crave a period of recovery at the end of this cycle so it helps to schedule time for rest and recovery throughout your day. Use this time between cycles to step away from your desk and do something different like take a walk, try a quick relaxation or mindfulness exercise or simply meditate for a few minutes. Some apps like Calm can help you achieve this.

By giving yourself time to rest between tasks, you’re helping to replenish your energy levels so that you can be more productive. It also helps to improve your mental health and wellbeing so try scheduling rest periods – like you would a meeting – to make sure you keep this as part of your day.

An important part of working from home boundaries is to always make sure you clock off at the end of the day rather than working into the night and maintain a regular bedtime in order to get a good night’s sleep. This will help you to maintain your energy levels for the next day.

For more ideas on managing your energy when working from home, contact Seed People Consulting to discuss how we can help.

Contact the Seed People Consulting team to discuss how we can support developing your diverse culture today!

Meet the author: Stacey Kelly

Stacey brings extensive industry experience and knowledge, as well as the energy, passion and inspiration of a great leader. She previously held senior people/cultures roles in private and public organisations, including Hunter TAFE and Insurance Australia Group (IAG).

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