Culture & Change Consultants

Build a healthy team culture that engages your people, enables growth and creates an energetic, positive and connected workplace. Plus, get everyone on board to break those barriers to change.

woman writing on a whiteboard

Let’s do some thinking and shaking

While our workplace cultures and change are distinct, they’re also intertwined. If your organisation’s culture is flexible and innovative, you’re more likely to be open to change. If your organisation is rigid and traditional in its approach, change can be a big challenge.

As culture change consultants, we’ll help you articulate your purpose, culture, strategy and behaviours and achieve clarity and consistency. We can also support you through managing times of change, making sure your people wholeheartedly buy into new ways of working.

Corporate culture consulting in practice!

What is work culture?

Work culture is the character and personality of your business. It’s the beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours that define your day to day.

What is organisational change?

Organisational change comes in many forms. It involves rethinking and shifting the current status quo and often has company-wide impact.

Diagnostic tools for culture & change

As part of our work together, our culture change consultants may ask your people to spend some time completing the following diagnostic tools.

Opportunities – Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile

Provides feedback on how an individual responds to new situations and change, solves problems, focus on goals and how they view time.

Team Management Profile (TMP)

Gives you insights into how you prefer to work and how you’re likely to interact with others in the workplace.

Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0)

Measures an individual’s emotional intelligence. It’s based on 15 competencies grouped into five composites.

Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI)

Uses self-assessment and colleague feedback to identify your thinking and behavioural styles (strengths and weaknesses).

The Seed team have been part of bringing unity and wonderful work practices to our team, they have helped us shape our cultural values, they have worked on frameworks for Workforce Planning, Rem Structures and many other projects. In their work they bring clarity, experience and always some fun. I could not more highly recommend this team, and I look forward to continue to work together!

Clare Steele – CEO
Compassion Australia

‘Do you have an inspirational way of sharing your changed future?’

What we deliver in this space

  • Understanding culture and change management
  • Identifying people’s willingness and engagement with change
  • Articulating your current cultural state
  • Developing your desired future state and steps to get there
  • Creating programs/initiatives to boost culture and change
  • Practical applications and skills for your workplace
  • Encouraging teams to speak up to achieve desired result
  • Organisational review & recommendations
  • Organisational design & change implementation
  • Culture review & planning
  • ‘Leading through change’ workshops
  • Design of tailored change frameworks

Read our latest blogs on culture & change